Sketches 01

 Preliminary sketches hash out simple ideas. They are not intended to imply any sort of final design. Instead, they are a first step in a long line of "ideation". 

Distortion causes this kind of panorama photo to mislead the viewer. Left to right is 180 degrees. But it's useful to show an idea for the backyard if you can get beyond the distortion.

Oval lawns are easy to maintain, with no corners or obstructions. I'm proposing two large deciduous shade trees at the edge of the lawn, and an enlarged walkway.

Shade trees and increased shrub and tree screening. Oval lawn and flower beds.

This redbud tree growing in the hedge needs to be allowed to grow tall. It will provide shade to cool the house and pink flowers in the spring. The top of the hedge should be clipped level, not sloping with the ground level. Show this sketch to your gardener.

Survey notes.

Oval lawn with flower bed ideas.

Temporary wildflower meadow for the first summer.

Oval lawn, wild flowers.

First sketch showing oval lawns...


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