Plan 1A

 Plan 1A

This is Plan 1A of a series of 9 (3 sets of 3). 9 iterations are not always required. We will change and modify and try other layouts based on feedback from each. 1B and 1C should be fundamentally different from each other right down to the hardscape. The #2 and #3 sets would take the winner from that series and refine it.

Plan 1A Key

  • Large existing plants and trees.
    • are called out in (plain black lines with brown shadows).


  • The existing concrete is (gray).
  • Proposed gravel walkways are shown in (dark pink). 
    • The rear gravel patio is large to join the stage to the lawn as one room. The fire pit is linked, as is the basement door.
    • The gravel path addition in the front improves access from the drive. (hydrangeas would have to be moved.)
  • Proposed bark mulch paths are shown in (black crayon).
  • 5 trees are proposed. (pink circles)
  • Two large shade trees are recommended for the front yard.  
    • These should be deciduous as not to block the sun in the winter. I propose Pond Cyprus. The world's only deciduous conifer and native to Georgia. The shade is light and dappled and the tree grows fairly slowly so they will remain specimen trees for a long time before they become large shade trees. Also, the light shade is good for bloomers and grass underneath. There's a bigger impact if both trees are the same but they don't have to be. Willow oak is a good alternate, etc.
  • Three flowering trees are proposed for the backyard. 
    • Yoshino Cherry
      • Blooms early spring, very light pink, 
    • Vitex (chaste tree)
      • Blooms early summer, clear blue,
    • Higan cherry, Althea, TeaOlive
      • These all bloom in late summer or fall. I'm not personally familiar with Higan. Althea is available in white, lavender, pink. Tea olive has an insignificant flower but has an excellent fragrance. This is a good reason to place it near the deck. It blooms several times a year.
  • Tall shrubs for screening. (dark green)
    • 15 to 20 plants growing to over 6' tall. 
    • Each plant selected for each location based on light conditions for that spot. See a list in the image.
  • Short flowering shrubs. (not shown)
    • 5 to 7 accent plants. Native pollinators like sweetspire.
Shade Herbaceous (orange)
  • These are perennials under 3' tall like ferns and hosta, trillium, Solomons seal. 
  • Selected for light conditions.
Sunny Borders (white)
  • Wildflowers
    • Showy primrose, larkspur, wine cup, daisy, etc.
  • Sun tolerant Perennials
    • Lavender, rosemary, salvia, lantanna, 
  • Grasses
    • pink muhly or feather grass, there are some interesting pure white feathers.
Plan 1A

All of these suggestions are just the first step. From here we explore 2 other hardscape options for a total of 3. Then choose a winner before going on to round 2 of iterations and refinement.


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