
From the owner:

[Yes camellias! Only as high as porch railing. I like lots of the cone flowers and anything that covers the weeds like the lantana. I love hydrangeas but I’m having some kind of fungus on them now. Lots of color especially for bees and butterflies.]

Below are a selection of plants to fill different needs in the design. We will not use all of them at once, that would be too wild. Big areas of just a few colors make for a look of control and design. 

We are shooting for a balance between wild and tame. Wild enough to be attractive to wildlife but not completely wild. Tame enough to be pleasing to the human eye, showing order, control, and intent, but not too controlled. An unlikely marriage between a golf course and a wildflower meadow.

Pollinator Plants
Coneflowers really stand up to the summer heat.

Corn Poppy

Cornflower and Corn poppy combined.
Very attractive to bees and butterflies. There are lots of types. This one is called 'Blue Fortune'.

There are many kinds of Salvia, or "sage".
My own personal favorite salvia is 'black and blue'.

Lantana come in lots of colors. I like the purple and the pale yellow.

Showy Primrose
Takes two years to bloom from seed.
OxEye Daisy
These can get to be 5' tall with extra water. But bloom better with low water and at a shorter size.

Bishop's Flower
Good combination with cornflower or poppies.

There are lots of different colors and sizes of asters. The most important thing is that they bloom in the fall and so provide food for pollinators when other flowers have passed.

Baby Blue Eyes
This small annual only blooms a short time in the spring. But it re-seeds a bit and it's small. I like to use it anywhere I can. 

Comes in white and purple. Blooms forever. Re-seeds. Bees and butterflies love it.


Flowering Shrubs


I'm fond of the Lacy Cap varieties of Hydrangea.

Keith's Suggestions


Pollinator trees and shrubs

Glossy Abelia

Bees love this plant. It blooms for a long period in the summer and has a sweet honey fragrance. It will tolerate shade or sun. Great as a screen at the back of the border.

This one called 'Kaleidoscope' has variegated leaves and stays below 3' tall.

Winter Honeysuckle

This plant is suitable for only the earliest of bees as it blooms in early spring. The fragrance is the reason to plant it.

Chaste Tree

Vitex blooms in the summer and is a favorite of bees and butterflies. 

Virginia Sweetspire

'Henry's Garnet' gets to 6' tall. 'little henry' only 3'.

Fragrant bloomer in the spring.




Solomon's Seal

Should be combined with Arum.

Arum Italicum

Arum has the odd behavior of showing it's leaves all winter and going dormant in the summer. The ideal combination with Solomon's seal.

Holly Fern


Spanish Bluebells




Wildseed Farms

American Meadows

Proven Winners

Garden Design



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